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Fronoleu Care Garden

At Fronoleu Care Garden, Tracey provide meaningful daytime activities for people living with a learning disability. Using therapeutic horticulture and arts & craft activities to bring positive changes to peoples lives 


She supports small groups to participate in structured gardening and arts & craft activities


Providing a nurturing environment where individuals can meet new people,

learn new skills and try new things. Good for the body, for mental wellbeing,

for developing skills and helping to overcome isolation


She will help you to develop your own individual plan and will support you to reach your goals


Personal care can not be provided, however we are happy for you to bring a support worker with you if needed


The garden is sloping and the ground can be uneven in places, it is sadly not accessible for people with mobility disabilities


Tracey has a Health and Social Care Qualification is DBS checked and fully insured


Being isolated is a big problem for people with learning disabilities.


Mencap have identified that 1 in 4 people with learning disabilities

spend less than 1 hour a day outside their homes.


93% of those interviewed by the foundation for people with learning disabilities

said they felt lonely and isolated.


Research has shown by participating in gardening people generally have greater life satisfaction, it enhances self esteem and helps them to have less feelings of depression and fatigue.


I have set this project up so that local adults living with a learning disability can get together regularly to make friends and participate in meaningful and fun activities.


Plant Nursery
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